To learn more about any of these opportunities contact the church office for more information.

Serve at Trinity

Quilters: The quilters meet twice a month on Tuesday mornings from about 9:00AM -11:00AM.  New quilters are always welcome!  Even if you don't sew you are welcome to come learn how to tie quilt.  

Funeral or Meal Servers:  When funerals arise we often need the help of others to bring a cake or bars and help to serve and clean up the meal.  For this ministry, your name is on the funeral list and you are contacted when a funeral comes up. 

We serve a regular Wednesday night meal during the school year. We welcome groups of people or families to plan and serve the meal.  There is money available to purchase food for about 75 people per meal.

 Serving in Worship: Many people are needed to assist with worship.  Please see the worship page for more detailed descriptions.

Children's & Youth Ministry:  We have a robust children's and youth ministry.  We need engaged adults to help lead Sunday School, Confirmation small groups, mentors, VBS volunteers, and special events.  Adult volunteers must complete a background check prior to working with our children and youth.

Teams: We have several teams that help guide the congregation's ministries. The teams meet regularly and spend time organizing opportunities and tasks as well as recruiting others to join them.  If you have an interest in wanting to be on one of these teams, new members are welcome. You do not have to be on a team to participate in the opportunities and tasks they organize.

Service and Outreach:  Guiding events and tasks to care for the community and world.

Congregational Care: Connecting and caring for those inside the congregation.

Faith Formation: Guiding faith formation opportunities for all ages.

Property: Caring for the church building and grounds and Vaale Cemetery.

Stewardship: Creating and encouraging generosity.

Worship & Music:  Guiding the worship services and music groups.

Finance Team: Help to keep an eye on the church finances and prepare the annual budget.

Personnell:  Oversee personnell matters of the congregation. This team is by appointment from the Vision Council. 

Vision Council: This is the govering body of the congregation. The members of this team are elected at the annual meeting in January.


Serve with Trinity in the Community

Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen:  The third Sunday of the month we serve a meal at 12:30 at Sharing Bread in Brained. About six people are needed each month to help prepare, serve and clean up the meal.

Warming Shelter: During the winter months, Trinty takes a turn about every other month for a week helping to staff the warming shelter in Brainerd.  This is an evening position (not overnight) being available for guests as they arrive and help them get settled.

Seasonal Events/Current Events: We have many seasonal events that we help with, such as Thanksgiving baskets,  Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, Outreach Program, Habitat for Humanity builds, Operation Sandwich,  and anything else that comes up that we are called to care for!